Finally, my brethren, rejoice in the Lord.” Philippians 3:1 Philippians chapter three brings us a final word from Paul. Here the apostle exhorts us to rejoice in the Lord. Then, a warning…beware of dogs, of evil doers, and the mutilation. (verse 2) Dogs devour – in ancient Israel, dogs were not considered cute little pets, but scavengers that prey on the weak. As Christians, Paul implores us to watch out for those who would exert a harmful influence over us, to deceive us and lead us astray. Not every evil doer is obvious. Some manipulate the truth and cause us to stumble. So we need to know what the scriptures say so we can discern when others teach things contrary to the word of God. For we are the circumcision, who worship God in the Spirit, rejoice in Christ Jesus, and have no confidence in the flesh.” Philippians 3:3 Paul says we are the circumcision. Circumcision is a seal and sign that we are set apart for God’s use. Here the apostle speaks of a spiritual cutting away of our will. Fully surrendered, we are now instruments of God, completely submitted to His will, who worship the Lord in the Spirit and rejoice in our Savior, Jesus Christ. We have no confidence in our own flesh. All we are comes from the Father. We are nothing without Him. Yet, if anyone would have confidence in the flesh, it was Paul. He was a Jew among Jews. Physically circumcised on the eighth day of his life, an Israelite by birth, from the tribe of Benjamin. He was a Pharisee, a Hebrew knowledgeable in the law. He had a burning desire to do God’s will, even to the point of persecuting the Church. In the eyes of his fellow Jews, he was blameless in his zeal. (verse 4-6) All that Paul held as his great accomplishments on this earth were nothing. He had given up all thing for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ. Everything he thought was valuable was but rubbish, waste, trash, compared to the treasure he had obtained through Christ Jesus. He had surrendered all to gain Christ. It was not by the righteous acts of the apostle that he found the Savior, but by his faith in Christ Jesus. It was not the law, but by Grace that he had been saved. And in so doing, Paul now knew Jesus and the power of His resurrection. He shared in the suffering of Christ, being conformed to His death – or rather, the world was crucified to him. This message is for us as well. We no longer hold the world in us, but are transformed, resurrected to a new life in Christ Jesus. We risk it all, surrender everything, in order to gain this new way, this eternal life in Christ. Yet, Paul says, even after all this, he has not obtained perfection. But he presses on so that he can grasp what Christ has set before him. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14 My father once said, “Don’t let anyone or anything have dominion over you but God.” How true a statement. No matter the past, whether it be a death, trauma, or a bad decision, do not let the past rule your future. Tragedy and trials shape us, but they do not have to define us. We are more than what has happened to us. We cannot get discouraged by our mistakes, our failures. When we fail, we must pick ourselves up and continue on our journey. The goal is set before us. We must keep our eyes focused on the end game. We may not understand everything we face, but we should not look back. Reach forward to what lies ahead. Press on toward the goal. The prize waits. Therefore, as you keep this in mind, walk in the light before you. You may only see a step ahead, but in faith take the next step. God will reveal what you need to know when you need to know it. Do not look at the light before others, only look upon your own. We cannot judge what other people do, or what knowledge they have obtained. That is between them and God. We must be mindful of our own light, and walk within our illumination. In this way we obtain peace with others, and grace with God. Be careful who you set as your example. Christ is our pattern. Humans often fail, setting their minds on earthly things. Set Christ as the model for your life, for your conduct. He never fails. Remember, our citizenship is in heaven. Earth is not our home. And when Christ returns, we will be transformed to be like His glorious body! “For He is able to subdue all things to Himself.” (verse 21) So rejoice in the Lord, always, as you press toward the goal! Susan Van VolkenburghAre you struggling with difficulties and circumstances you do not understand? Are you wondering how God could allow bad things to happen? Have you suffered loss and are having trouble working through your grief? I have experienced these. Let me share with you a message of hope. SILENT RESOLVE AND THE GOD WHO LET ME DOWN (a 9/11 story), my true story of loss and resolution after the death of my father on September 11, 2001.